A Holiday Message from Katrina’s Dream

21st of December in the Year of Our Lord 2021 Dear Friends and Family, God gives women unique dreams and purposes, like men, they too are uniquely called by God. Just as in the Holy Bible those purposes may not always look like what society expects them to look. For example, Eve the first Woman,…
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“Women’s Equality Day Rally Trumps ERA Action with 24 Words”

ATLANTA, GA, JULY 1, 2017 - Katrina’s Dream, ERA Action and a roster of national leaders and advocates from across the United States will gather, Friday, August 25 – 27, 2017 in Washington, DC,    in the fashion of Women’s Equality Day founder, the late Congresswoman Bella Abzug; insisting on hearings for the current Equal Rights Amendment, ERA…
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Nevada to Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment

PRESS RELEASE What:              Empowering Women Why:                To Promote the Passage of the Equal Rights Amendment When:             Wednesday, March 8, 2017 – 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Where:            Nevada State Legislature Foyer – 101 S. Carson Street, Carson City, NV  89701-4747 Contact:           Ms. Helene de Boissiere Swanson, Co-Founder – Katrina’s Dream                         <415-233-2048>  mailto:deboissiere@gmail.com…
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Next step after Women’s March: Pass the ERA

  By Betty Folliard The policy superhighway to equality in the U.S. is to remove the artificial deadline on the ERA, known as the 3-State Strategy, providing the path to eliminating discrimination on the basis of gender in our Constitution, ensuring equal access to justice for women and men. Ninety-five percent of people in the…
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  By IVANA MASSETTI Founder of Women Occupy Hollywood “… In some cases, such as in the DGA (Directors Guild of America), DIVERSITY and MINORITY programs have been created to counter discriminatory practices against minorities and other disenfranchised people, and to fill the quotas that TITLE VII requires. But such programs pool ALL WOMEN together with MINORITY MEN (men…
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It’s About Women (About Time!)

By: Bishop Joe Morris Doss What will be taught in history classes about the election of 2016? It will be about the equality of women. But the campaign also has clarified the negative perspective: it is about the death spiral of society as patriarchal. This campaign – as dreadful as it has been – may…
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In the Aftermath of Violence – Be the Change

By Helene de Boissiere – Swanson This morning, I woke to the television blaring and barraging viewers with messages promoting fear in the wake of this week’s violent aftermath of police officers killing black men in the South and in the North and a person who felt their only course of action was retaliation towards…
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Women Lighting the Way to Freedom and Independence

by Helene de Boissiere – Swanson The American Revolution took place after Britain put in place the Intolerable Acts, in the American colonies. The Americans responded by forming the Continental Congress. The war would not have been able to progress as it did without the widespread ideological and material support, of both men and women….
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Prayers, the police, and the pilgrimage

“…found myself struggling with praying.  I have always had problems with the Our Father since childhood, why am I praying to a male God I would think, when it is my mother who takes cares of me.  And then their was the part “on earth as it is heaven” was I confirming that our present…
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